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I started going to Yau-Chin for acupuncture in his last year at the New England School of Acupuncture. He was very professional and caring and that is why I continued to see him for two semesters. He gave very helpful lifestyle tips for improving my health. He has a very gentle needling technique even in the most sensitive of areas. I really felt like he was looking out for my whole health and not just trying to work on my primary problem. I was really impressed with how professional he was for a student. Thank you for your help with my infertility issues. Without having the consistency of your treatments we probably wouldn't be so blessed as to be expecting in December! I am looking forward to seeing how he grows as a practitioner in the years to come.

- Amanda A.

I have a 15 years history of hypertension. I take Hydrochlorothiazide twice per day for maintenance and last year when I had a lot of stress from medical school, my blood pressure suddenly went up to about 150/100. I also suffered from severe headache, dizziness and blurred vision. I went to Yau-Chin for acupuncture treatment once per week for about six months. The blood pressure gradually come down to 130/86 and my headaches and dizziness went away after only a few treatments. My vision also had impressive improvements so I could continue to study again. Yau-Chin also treated my back and neck pain, it was always a great relief after each treatment. I am grateful that I had the acupuncture treatments with Yau-Chin and highly recommend him.

- Xuemei C. (48 years old)

Yau -Chin is an excellent acupuncturist but above all an excellent person. I met him at the New England School of Acupuncture and he was very thorough in his work. He listens with care and takes time to ask many questions on whatever complaint is ailing you. I suffered from severe allergies, pain on my right shoulder and fibroids. My symptoms were relieved with acupuncture and herbal medicine. I did not complain in the spring because my allergy symptoms were gone. Yau-Chin is really excellent at what he does, I recommend him whole-heartedly!

- Lydia KM

I started seeing Yau-Chin once a week to treat insomnia and a mild pain I had in my knee for over a year. Within the first three weeks both problems were gone. I was also trying to conceive for over 2 years and was going through fertility treatment with no success. Yau-Chin helped me with that issue as well. In addition to the acupuncture treatment he also prescribed me herbs and suggested a few changes in my diet. After following Yau-Chin's suggestions, at 39 years old I was pregnant with twins. Throughout the pregnancy I continue to see him to treat severe nausea. I had a great experience at Point of Healing and absolutely recommend Yau-Chin.


- Marcia M.   21 Feb , 2016         


Infertility - Treatment Is Great Treatment is great. I don't think I would have gotten pregnant without the help of Yau-Chin and acupuncture. I find it very relaxing coming once a week for treatment. I always feel great after my treatment. I also believe my pregnancy symptoms were a lot less because of my acupuncture treatments.


- Sarah L.

When my husband and I decided to start trying to have a baby I wanted make sure I was doing everything possible to help the process along. I decided acupuncture would be a good addition to my fertility plan as I am a bit “type A” and can always use help with relaxing. As I began to closely track my cycle I realized my luteal phase seemed a bit short and knew this could potentially be an issue with conception, I read that acupuncture can help so during my intake I noted this along with a lot of other detail as the process is very thorough. I started seeing Yau Chin at the end of July 2015 and by October 2015 I was pregnant. After one cycle I noticed my luteal phase lengthening and each appointment was an hour of intense relaxation. My first two cycles Yau Chin did acupuncture and moxibustion and during my third we added Chinese herbal medicine. I am now 16 weeks along with a healthy baby girl and know that acupuncture definitely helped get my body in alignment and ready to conceive. Yau Chin has a great bedside manner and I was happy to see him for my weekly appointments. If you’re having issues getting pregnant or if you just want to be proactive, acupuncture for fertility is wonderful .


- Jennifer V.   21 Feb , 2016         


Yau-Chin Yang (Doc.Tha what I call him) is one of the best. I have been struggling for years with pain in my upper thoracic spine, spasms through out my body. Also dealing with Mental Health issues for decades. I never believed acupuncture would be the best medicine I have ever gotten. I go twice a week, I will tell you the reason I go twice a week is because the four times doc has done what he does I have experienced energy, focus, less pain and spams, weight loss I can go on. This has helped me in ways that I never thought, I would ever feel again. It feels great so I keep going so I can keep feeling the way I do!!! He really cares about you. That's why he's one of the best!!!


-Jaimie   20 Feb , 2016   

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